Hey people!!
Sorry for not sending a letter last week, I had honestly completely forgotten until about a half an hour after I had finished writing. That's a first! But anyhow, luckily there aren't a whole lot of updates but I'll cover both weeks in this letter.
I lived my dream today! My entire mission, the only thing I really wanted to do on P-day was go and explore in the Andes. Here in San Fernando, the Andes is in our sector, so it makes things a lot easier. We live really close to the mountains here, so we've been entertaining the idea for weeks now. Yesterday, a member from Guadalupe offered to come with us because he knows the area really well so early in the morning we took a bus to Las PeƱas and from there walked up the road to a place called Bellavista. It was easily the most incredible place I've ever seen. I'll probably send pictures, but pictures don't really do it justice. The mountains are about twice as big as the mountains in Utah, so it makes for some amazing sights. We were pretty high up, and there was a lot of sun and it was pretty hot, but miles in the distance we could see 18,000 foot giants covered in snow towering over us. It was amazing. So, I was a very happy missionary today.
Also, I don't know if I told you the story of the gringo from Utah that randomly showed up at sacrament meeting last easter, but in case I didn't, this easter a guy showed up at church from Utah who didn't speak any Spanish. I talked to him a bit before the meeting and he explained that he's a helicopter pilot who was stationed in San Fernando with his flight team for a month or so. We gave him our number, and this week he called us to invite us to lunch. We met him at the airport and he showed us his helicopter and everything, then he took us to a vineyard pretty far from the city where I had the best lunch I've had in Chile. The place was amazing, there was a polo court on one side and the vineyard on the other and it was really close to the mountains. I ordered rib-eye steak, and it was the only steak I've had my mission, so I was, again, a very happy missionary.
The missionary work is going good! I'll give a quick update on everything:
I don't know much about Pichidegua but I'll be going one more time soon to visit people and say goodbye. I'll let you all know how that goes.
Back there in Calle Larga things seem to be doing super well, which also makes me really happy. The Elder that got there is a lot like Elder Mendez so they're excited to have him there. The best news is that Alejandro was advanced in the Priesthood and got a calling in the Sunday School Presidency!! He was really excited, and so was I, so we were pretty excited together.
Here things are going well too, we keep doing activities every week to try to get the ward more active, and it's working a bit. The best part is that it helps the youth and the ysa go to church and that's what we desperately need. We keep teaching Lorenzo's kids, who are progressing and learning super well, so they should be getting baptized on June 3rd as planned. We had a lot of other appointments this week but a lot of them were canceled, we're going to Lorena today though so I'll let you all know how that goes.
I'm super out of time! So I need to close this off. I love you all! Have a great week!
Elder Fox

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