Hey everybody!
This week was pretty good, not a lot of news but everything keeps on keeping on! Patricia's not doing too well though so we definitely need lots of prayers for her. It was a really busy week though, and an ultra-busy weekend, so I'm left feeling really beat and it kind of hurts to keep my eyes open haha but I'll try my best to give you all an update!
So, starting with Patricia, we went to her house on Tuesday and the good news is that she still has her son! So that's the good news. However, when we went, she started fighting a lot with her mom right there, and this time it got pretty bad. It's not the first time this has happened, but they have a pretty up and down relationship and her mom is actually mentally ill which definitely doesn't help things. At the end of the lesson though, everything was a lot better. We were pretty clear with both of them and we talked about how the gospel is supposed to change people and families, and if it's not making a change, then you need to commit yourself. Lately the problem there is that she tells us that she wants to be baptized a lot but then doesn't show much of the desire later in the week, and we think she says different things to everyone. So we're hoping for a miracle and that we can help her to be really dedicated. Her baptismal date fell through because she didn't go to church this week, because she still hasn't gone to church all 3 hours and now investigators need to go all 3 hours at least twice and have gone to sacrament meeting at least 3 times, which is a good rule. But anyway, lots of prayers for her and her family!
Rosa and René are doing really well, we talked about repentance and baptism with René the other day and put a date for April 1st so we're super excited! He went to church yesterday with his son, but Rosa didn't go. We think she was nervous about seeing the stake President again because of all the garbage that went down a few years ago, and the stake President comes to our ward every fast Sunday because it's his home ward.
Maricarmen is doing pretty well too, we went there the other day and we were going to teach the Restoration, but we ended up having to fix something that was said during church that worried her a bit. But now, all is well!
We also found a lot of new investigators this week! One of the stories is actually pretty miraculous, we had done this contact a few days earlier in a park where we talked to a young couple with their baby daughter. They seemed to have a lot of faith, but no religion in particular, which is really surprising to see here. They were interested and we set an appointment with them. But when the day came, we had a hard time finding their house. We ended up knocking on this one door, and an older lady came out who didn't know the people we were looking for at all, but we asked her if she would like to hear our message and she let us in. We went in and taught her and 3 of her grandchildren a quick lesson (we still wanted to find the original people we were looking for) and set another appointment to come back. When we came back, it turns out that the daughter of the woman we talked to and the mother of the 3 kids is already a member, but none of her kids are. She told us the story of how she got baptized, but didn't want to tell us at first why she left. She talked about how she was constantly suffering from panic attacks and changes in her blood pressure, and we offered her a blessing. Sadly, right when we did, she was too weak to do anything and had to lie down, so we came back a few hours later to give her a blessing. When we got there she was literally trembling, and then I had the chance to give her a blessing of health. I felt the unique impression to tell her that it was God's will that she recover fully and completely, and promised her that she would as she exercised her faith. After the blessing she stopped trembling and was a lot calmer, and then started to tell us everything that had been going on. It turns out that the only reason she stopped going to church is because of a mentally and emotionally abusive partner that she's been with for years now. And he is also the reason for her constant anxiety and nervous breakdowns. We helped her know, fairly directly, that what he was doing to her wasn't good, and promised her that as she started reading the Book of Mormon again and praying that God would help her make any decision she has to make.
Also, we ended up finding the two people we were originally looking for, and they were great! But then we went back for a return appointment and the girl told us that her partner had been partying a few nights ago has been drunk since then and she got made at him and hadn't seen him for a few days. We then went to go find him at his Dad's house to talk to him directly, but he was sleeping. So more details on that story later.
We also had zone conference on Friday! It was an amazing conference, probably one of the best I've ever been to. The focus was on Repentance, the Plan of Salvation, and becoming a consecrated missionary. It was soo good! I had never thought exactly about what heart, might, mind, and strength meant individually, but understanding exactly what God is asking us to give in that verse opened my eyes a lot as to how to really become consecrated. So good stuff!
Alright so that was my week! I love you all! Hope you have a good one!
Elder Fox

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