

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Paniahue #2 (Pichidegua version)

Hey all!  This week was pretty great and there's a lot to write about aaaaand I have a terrible keyboard again so hopefully I can talk about everything!

So leaving Hospital was super hard.  I don't think I've ever had the kind of relationship with the members and investigators before than I did with the people in Hospital.  I was surprised while I was giving my last talk/testimony in sacrament meeting how disappointed the branch actually was that I was going, and how sincere their farewells were.  I'm sadly more used to the members not liking us from my past sectors, as sad as it was.  Also saying goodbye to Felipe and Claudio was especially difficult.  Felipe said the last prayer in the lesson and in the prayer he asked that I would go safely and have a good mission and good life and that I could keep teaching a lot of people because I helped him a lot.  It broke my heart, I almost cried.  Claudio was in tears and it was hard to leave, but I'm sure he'll be alright.  Saying goodbye to Elder Espindola was also a little hard, we had 2 incredible changes together and though it was stressful I'll never forget the miracles we saw in Hospital.  Many people told me that Hospital was hopeless, including my first comp there, but God had something big in mind for that place and we were there to be able to see it start taking off.  It was a true privilege, and something that I'll never forget my entire mission.

Now I'm in Pichidegua!  Things are definitely suuuuper different here.  Elder Edwards (Porter now I guess.... so weird that he's already home) was actually here not too long ago.  It's cool telling his investigators and convert that I live almost right next to him.

SO Pichidegua!  It seems like a duplicate of Paniahue just smaller and the branch doesn't hate us.  Which is a great thing!  There's also no priesthood, as a result me and my comp are the branch counselors, and the branch President lives in another city and only comes on Sundays, so we end up doing absolutely everything.  Which is actually pretty fun!  I've been having fun reading the manuals a bit to understand exactly what we're supposed to be doing and answering questions I've had.  I'm also the Sunday school teacher for the adults, so I get to study a good deal in our down time and I've been enjoying it.  This is also my first time living in a house with only 2 elders, and I found out that I enjoy it much more.  I'm not constantly cleaning and have a lot of extra time at nights to study so there's no stress.

My comp!  Is Elder Peterson.  He's awesome, this is still his first sector (he's Porter's trainee actually) but he's been here for 4 months already.  His spanish is pretty good already, so we share the load alright.  He's an awesome kid and way fun to talk to, I've been practicing my english and it's been improving.  He's from Oakland, California, and played rugby.  I'll have to send a picture next week.

So Pichidegua is another sector that's famous for being really dry.  BUT I saw that change in two other sectors so I hope that if the time is right, God will let us see a lot of miracles here.  They actually had 3 baptisms here not too long ago, and they were the first baptisms in a while, so it's not impossible!

The sector is also gorgeous, it has a view of green fuzzy hills and the andes mountains in the distance, I'll have to send pictures but Sunday night we ran out the door in a huge hurry to get to a meeting in San Fernando and we've been in San Fernando ever since (it takes 2 hours to get from San Fernando to Pichidegua, and we always have our district meetings and p-days in San Fernando.)  So next week I'll send pictures!

That was the quick version of my week!  I love you all!!

Elder Fox

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