Hey everybody! This week was fantastic. I saw a ton of tender mercies from the Lord this week, and just had a good time! It was definitely a good moral boost.
SO to continue the stories that I started last time. The hole! The famous giant hole. So we don't really know what the hole is for... we didn't really ask questions. We're only slightly concerned about what it could be for. BUT we were digging the hole one morning when the hermana came out in tears saying that her uncle had died (apparently they were very close) so she had to go to Argentina. It was a super sad moment, but it was kind of awkward because we were just sitting in a big hole while she was standing over us crying and we weren't really sure what to do. BUT the moral of the story is that the hermana went to Argentina so work on the hole stopped for the week.
María! We did service with her a few more times, but sadly enough we still haven't been able to teach her. She's an awesome lady though, more updates on her in the future.
So this is probably the best group of Elders I've ever lived with. I have loved every Elder I've ever lived with to death (and that's no lie) but this is probably the best house so far of my mission. Elder Mendez is super easy to talk to and we have a lot of deep conversations which I like, also our companionship is super united because we just have such similar personalities and strengths. We both like being super organized and super diligent, but we're not over-the-top. Also, the fact that we both have around the same time in the mission is super nice because neither one of us is prideful or thinks that they know best. SO we're getting along dandy. It's been fun having a younger comp (in mission age that is.) Also the other companionship that we're living with is a ton of fun. We spend a ton of time together with the 4 due to all the service we have, and we've all gotten to be great friends. We're all easy-going and don't stress too much but we're all hard-working and obedient. So it's an amazing group. And in speaking of the group, I have stories!
So you're probably wondering what inspired the title of the email. The background is that there is only one elder in the whole mission who has a waffle iron, and he's famous for having it. And he's Elder Edwards! You all know him. Not a lot of missionaries have money for things like that, even though they all love waffles and miss them a ton because they don't exist here. BUT this week my wonderful grandparents sent me money for my birthday, so I bought a panini maker!!
But it's not just a panini maker... dun dun dun
Kidding. It is a panini maker, but it also includes other replaceable plates to turn it into a sandwich-griller type thing and another set of plates to turn it into a waffle iron. So it's all three! I bought it after my division with my district leader Wednesday (another story) and surprised the other Elders at our house and they were absolutely thrilled.
So true happiness is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But one can find happiness in random panini makers too.
So that night we had to enter the house an hour early due to a soccer match between Chile and Argentina (rival country.) So that night we made waffles and super tasty fried sandwich things, took them to the roof, and ate them on the roof while talking about life. After, we just laid out on the roof and looked at the stars and talked. It was a ton of fun.
The branch! Funny enough, due to a special regional type conference and then the stake conference, this Sunday was the first time that I attended Sacrament Meeting here in the branch. But the branch is awesome! It's huge!! It's almost as big as my ward in Conti was! There are apparently 60 members who attend on a regular basis, and they're all awesome! It has one of the highest percentages of tithing-payers and endowed members in the whole country, and every family is just amazing and a ton of fun too. I've made good friends with a family that lived in Utah for about 2 years, they've already forgotten a lot of their english so we still speak Spanish always but they're a ton of fun to talk to, as are all the members! Everybody who goes to Hospital loves it to death, and I definitely see why. The place is gorgeous and the branch is awesome! Remind to send pictures, in speaking of that.
So that's all the time I got sadly enough, I wanted to share a few thoughts I had while studying Alma 42 this week but it'll have to wait for next week. I love you all! Take care! Have a good week!
Elder Fox

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