

Monday, December 28, 2015


Merry Christmas!!  Again!!

I told most of you Merry Christmas over Skype but for those who weren't there Merry Christmas!

This week was great!  And the obvious highlight was Christmas!  So I'm going to mostly talk about what we did for Christmas Eve and Christmas.

Christmas Eve!  We worked normally that day until about 8:00 when we went to an awesome recent convert )her name is Llanina) to have Christmas dinner.  The only problem was that there were only two grown women in the house so we couldn't enter without another man or another woman, and they were planning on having a friend over but the friend canceled at the last minute.  So we couldn't go inside, but they were awesome and brought the table and chairs outside and we ate Christmas dinner in the street!  It was actually really cool, I thought it was awesome that they cared that much about getting us dinner.  Then we got back the house and celebrated by making oreo shakes!  They were delicious, and the first shakes I've had since I've gotten to the mission since they don't really exist here.  My Argentian comp was a huge fan, and has since told everyone we've met about this weird delicious gringo drink that has ice cream and cookies in it.  We're actually going to make it tonight in a FHE with the Wyco family.  Anyway, I digress.  We made shakes, drank coke, ate potato chips, told stories in Spanish, it was a great night.

Christmas!  Our district meeting was moved from Wednesday to Friday in order to have it on Christmas morning, so our whole zone got together in the chapel in Santa Cruz and made pancakes before the meeting.  That was probably my second favorite part of the whole day, because the zone here is awesome and we had a lot of fun.  After the meeting I got to sing songs from Les Miserables with Elder Anuarve (one of our favorite pass-times while we were in Conti) while we were cleaning dishes, which was also a ton of fun.  The meeting was great too, the zone leaders talked about faith and in our district class we read the christmas story from Luke.  Then Presidente Warne and Hermana Warne came and gave us a little spiritual Christmas thought too, which was great.  After that we went to the house that we skyped at to have lunch and email you guys about the time we would be skyping.  After lunch we ran over to visit Janet real quick before skyping, and I haven't told you her story yet!  So I will now.

So Janet is an investigator of ours who owns a little store in a neighborhood in our sector.  Her son was baptized about a year ago, and recently left on a mission in Bolivia.  She's not married to her husband (husband? partner? not sure what to say in this case) still, and she hasn't ever listened to the missionaries or attended church.  We've been passing by her every now and then to talk and try and start teaching her, and she invited us to come when her son skyped for Christmas (Elder Leguizamón knew him before he left.)  So we went to skype with her son right after lunch, and the son was awesome and frank with his mother and told her that she needed to get married and get baptized, that she needed to listen to the missionaries and do what they say.  Then Elder Leguizamón asked him to bear his testimony of the gospel and baptism, and he bore an incredible testimony of the gospel and again testified of the importance of her getting baptized.  I could tell it made a huge difference in her.  At the end he challenged her to pray about the church and ask God if it's true.  What he said was perfect, and I was really excited that it might have made a change.

After that we skyped!  Easily made my month, or even my year.  It was amazing, thanks for being awesome, family!

After skyping we passed by the Wyco family to say Merry Christmas and then we headed for the house.  So it was a great day!

THEN the next day we passed by Janet again, and she said that she prayed like her son told her to and felt something really strong.  She told us that she wasn't expecting to feel anything, but she did, and that she knows the church is true.  I was blown away!  Best Christmas ever!  I didn't even know what to say because nothing like that has happened in my mission yet, then Elder Leguizamón said ''So what are you willing to do now?''  To which she replied, ''Wait for my son to get home to be baptized.''  Another good example that having a baptism is never easy, you've really gotta fight for it!  We talked to her about the blessings of baptism and also told her that it'd be cooler if she could get sealed to her son when he got home and that her son would be really happy to find out that she was baptized but she still felt like she wanted to wait for him.  She did, however, commit to being taught and to go to church this Sunday.  So that was an amazing miracle of the week!  Even though she's a little stubborn and doesn't want to get baptized now, she will one day, and that's amazing!  I think that when she has the lessons and goes to church she'll start feeling the desire to get baptized as soon as possible, but if not I know she'll get baptized so I'm very greatful I got to witness the first stages of her conversion.

So that was my week!  The rest of the week we spent finding past investigators from the area book trying to find more people to teach and also a lot of contacting.  As well as visiting our recent converts and strengthening them.  So it was a great week!  I love you all!  Sorry this letter was a little shorter, I spent a lot of time reading letters today.  But have a great week!  The Church is True!  And great!

Elder Fox

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Hey guys!!  How're you doin?!  That's good.

Anyway, I'm in Paniahue!  It was a little hard leaving Elder Hadlock and all the people that I know and love in Conti, but now I'm feeling great here and it's great!  

First, my comp!  As you know, his name is Elder Leguizamón and he's from Argentina, and he's awesome!  He knows less English than any Latino I've met so far in the mission, especially with his time, but honestly I actually really enjoy the challenge!  I can't express everything I want to in the exact way that I would do it in English but normally I can say anything I want to and tell any story with ease, so it's been great!  We've been getting to know each other pretty well.  He found the motivation to learn English recently though, because he's going to be living in Utah after his mission, so I've been helping him learn which has been a lot of fun.  He's actually learned super quickly, and has taken a lot of initiative.  He has about 18 months in the mission, and was previously a zone leader in Talca.  He was released from being zone leader in an emergency change a little while back (pretty sure I told you about it) when all 4 Talca zone leaders were taken out and made co-comps.  I've always wondered why that happened, since all four of those zone leaders were amazing missionaries and leaders, and Elder Leguizamón told me the story this week and apparently it was a long complicated mess full of a lot of misunderstandings.  From what I've seen of him so far, he's an absoultely amazing missionary who is exactly obedient and I have a ton to learn from him.  He's famous for being an amazing contacter and teacher, so I'm super excited to be with him.  He has a lot of motivation and he works really hard, I love his attitude.  He told me that it was a little disappointing being emergency changed out of being zone leader, but that what's important is that you work as hard as you can wherever you are placed.  He's a great guy.

We live in a house in Santa Cruz with the Santa Cruz zone leaders, so I'm essentially living with 3 zone leaders!  It's the greatest, I love the constant atmosphere of hard work and obedience.  Our sector includes a little bit of Santa Cruz and all of Paniahue, which is a tiny little city with a tiny little branch of about 20 members.  It takes about 30 minutes to walk to Paniahue, so my days of walking ridiculous distances to get to church and our proselyting areas aren't over!  The only downside is the heat, the heat is easily worse than anything I've experienced in Utah, so those weather scientist people who say that Rancagua is cooler than Utah in the summer are definitely smoking something.  But I'm getting used to it!  The only hard thing is that the heat doesn't improve when we get to the house, nor at night when we sleep.  But I'm quickly getting used to things.

So that's Paniahue and my comp!  Like I said last week, we don't have a lot of people, which is pretty characteristic for this zone.  We do have a family of recent converts who are awesome but definitely need a lot of strengthening right now, so we've been working a lot with them helping them rid their doubts.  They're called the fma. Wyco (I think that's how it's spelled...)  The husband was an Adventist preacher when he was converted, and he's very educated in the bible unlike most people down here.  He probably knows the bible better than I do, admittedly.  He has a wife who seems to me to have a really strong testimony of the gospel, and also two daughters, one who's in primary and the other young womens.  They're an awesome family, but the husband has a lot of doubts still that we're helping him to resolve.  Some of his questions are really hard, so it gives me something good to study for.

I've met another family of potential investigators that I think have a lot of promise, they seem to trust a lot in us right now and the Dad is a less active member.  We haven't taught them yet, but we hope to this week.  The two kids have taken a lot of fascination in English and my piano playing ability, and want me two teach them both!  We're actually thinking of starting an English class and a piano class for investigators and just the population in general to find investigators (classes here in Chile work really well for finding people) so we'll probably start that next week!

So story time!!  This story involves a huge thank-you I owe to Sister Gouls and my wonderful mother.

So this branch has a deep distrust of North Americans.  That's a little bit of a problem for me, seeing I'm North American.  The past President used this sector as a ''punishment'' sector for missionaries who were disobedient or didn't do anything, and as a result the branch has an understandable distrust of missionaries, especially gringos.  Ever since I heard this, I've been thinking about ways to fix this problem so I can help strengthen the branch.  The branch definitely needs to be strengthened right now, but there's nothing I can do to help them until they trust me.  God helped me to fix our relationship with the Constitución Ward, so I had no reason to disbelieve that he wouldn't help me with this branch.  Elder Leguizamón and I have been visiting the members and delivering spiritual messages to all of them and asking what we can do to help them out, and every member that I've met so far has been an amazing person so it hasn't been hard at all to love them very genuinely and show that love.  So that was a good start.  But then they figured out that I play piano, and that really made the difference.

When I told Elder Leguizampón that I play piano he got super excited, saying that this sector really needed someone to play the piano in order to teach our investigators who want to learn and also to play for the branch.  As soon as we got to the house he called the Primary President and told her that I could play for the primary program that Sunday, but that she'd have to give us the songs so that I could practice them beforehand.  We had to go to the church a few mornings because there were 7 songs that I had to learn for the meeting Sunday morning, but I eventually got them all down.

Then Sunday came!  Normally branches and wards give time to new missionaries who come in to share their testimonies and present themselves, and I was really counting on this opportunity to start building trust with the branch, because when someone speaks and testifies with the Spirit it's hard to deny that they're a servant of the Lord.  But they didn't give me that time.  Shoot.  I played the opening song though and the branch seemed surprised that there was real piano music (it's probably been a while.)  I played well for all of the songs of the primary program too, and I hoped that that would build my trust with the members.  Then the primary President got up at the end of the meeting to speak.  She hadn't really said much to me in the way of thanks or appreciation, but I didn't really think anything of it.  But what she said in her talk really surprised me.  She got up and at the end of the talk she said  ''I know that the Mission President is a very inspired man and receives revelation, and I know that it's hard losing Elder Bernard (He's a Mexican from my group that they really loved) right before Christmas, but before we were practicing these primary songs with just the CD's.  Then President sent us this angel right before the program to play the piano for us, and I am so incredibly greatful that God sent us Elder Fox to help us out.''

Wow.  I was stunned.  President, funny enough, was actually there at the sacrament meeting and shortly after her talk he got up and said.  ''I actually forgot that Elder Fox played the piano, to be honest, and I had no idea about your situation.  So that's evidence for you all, that God really does direct this work and that Elder Fox is supposed to be here with you.''

That was better than just about anything I could've hoped to happen ever.  The members warmed up to me immediately.  Every single one of them came up to me after and told me that I play the piano very beautifully and that it's such a different spirit having real piano music in the meeting.

So here's a thanks to my mother!  She understood much better than I how vitally important my piano playing abilities would become in my mission.  It turned out to be my entrance into the hearts of everybody in this little branch.

So skype!  Count on 6:00 Chilean time, not sure what that is over there with daylight savings and all that.  If anything is amiss email me, I´'ll check my email before.

I love you all!  Have a great week!

Elder Fox

Monday, December 14, 2015

What the Fweak Just Happened -- Part 2

Hey all!

This week was incredible and unbelievably wonderful and emotional and just overall nuts!  So I decided to make it a continuation of the last letter, hence the subject.  It was a great week though, easily one of the best I've ever had.  Then it got a little sad on me towards the end.

We found a lot of new investigators this week.  That's what made it such a great week.  The first family we found, we found when we were walking up some stairs to a part of Conti we walk to a lot.  I noticed this dirt path off the stairs that I had never noticed before, and we decided to follow it to this little town kinda thing that was on the side of the mountain and didn't have any roads or anything, just a bunch of little chilean houses in the field.  We decided to contact there, and the first house that we went to let us in right away.  It was an awesome young little family that's god-fearing but they don't have a religion.  They were a super nice family, and even though they didn't have much they gave us juice and olives to snack on.

Then I ate an octopus!

2 actually.

They had this bucket chuck full of octopi, which I found rather odd at first, then the man (his name is Marcelo) put a bunch of the octopi in a strainer and started frying them.  I had never heard of anyone eating octopi before, and I was hoping he wouldn't offer us any because I was a little concerned about how they would taste.  But sure enough, he did, and so after taking pictures of us holding the little octopi (they shrink a lot when you fry them) we ate them, and they weren't too bad!  They were actually pretty good, so I took another!  The only weird thing for me was sticking something with eight legs in my mouth period, especially all in one bite.  We left them with a pamphlet that day and came back to discover that they had actually read the pamphlet, as a family!  And really thought about it and understood it!  Eso nunca pasa!!  They are an amazing family.  We taught them lesson 1 that night and it went really well.  They have a lot of potencial and would progress easily.  Which I was excited for.

We also found a guy named Luís, who is super friendly and wants to listen to our message.  When he let us in he told us how much he respects us and what we do and wants to hear what we have to teach him, and sadly that night we weren't able to get more than a little spiritual thought in, but we were still super excited about it because he's a great guy!  He lives up on the hill and has a very nice house for Chile, I forgot what he does for work unfortunately.

We found Jesús again!!  I know that sounds weird, but that's true.  We found Jesús about 3 months ago (I was in my first change still) and he was absolutely golden.  He let us right in and we taught the first lesson and put a fecha with him, all in the first time that we met him!  It was amazing and he was super promising, then he moved to Santiago.  And that was depressing.  But when we were on our way back from the octopus family we found him again!  Apparently he had returned and he's going to be here for a while!  We didn't get to teach him again which was sad, but we were hopeful that I'd at least be able to with my new comp next change.

And then the changes came, and the changes were weird.

We got the call on Saturday night, and our zone leader told us that Elder Hadlock would be going to Panamericana in Talca (he's staying in Talca lucky sucker) and that he would be companions with Elder Castro, a Mexicano who came in my group who I get along with really well, so I was excited for him, and obviously knew that he'd be going.  He's been in Conti for a super long time, at least for this mission.  Then they told me that I'd be going to a branch in Paniahue in the Santa Cruz zone, and that I'd be companions with Elder Leguizamón from Argentina.  Then they said that they'd be closing our sector.  For those of you who don't know what that means, it means that nobody is going to replace Elder Hadlock and I when we leave, so there'll be only 4 missionaries here instead of 6.  I was told that there wasn't much of a possibility that they'd close our sector, and because we were having good success lately I didn't think there'd be a whitewash either, so I was a little shocked.  Apparently, two missionaries had to go home due to injury lately so there weren't sufficient to keep 6 missionaries in Conti.

But there is good news!  We figured out things really quick and we're going to have the Hermanas in Conti take over these great people that we found recently, so with luck they will all still continue to progress!  Just a little sad I won't be here to see it.

And more good news!  I've always wanted to be in the more rural parts of the mission and participate in the tiny little branches and that's exactly what Santa Cruz is!  It'll be all large fields of delicious fruit and I'll get to take more responsibility being in a tiny little branch in Santa Cruz.  That's where Elder Hadlock was when he nourished the branch in perelillo back to health after the branch president was excommunicated.  Apparently the fruit is absolutely amazing there and really cheap and a lot of people give you free fruit.  So I'm excited for that!  The only downside is that it'll be very very hot and there aren't a whole lot of people there to teach.  It'll be a lot more service and a lot less teaching, but I love service so that's okay!

Yesterday and today are full of sad goodbyes, we're leaving for Talca at 6:00 this afternoon.  I'm going to miss Conti a ton too, there is very little chance that I'll ever get to see it again in my mission.  Conti sent us off with a bang though, with the 3 most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen in my life, 3 nights in a row.  Pictures to follow.  When the second one happened Elder Hadlock and I were on the side of a mountain watching the waves roll in to the beach and viewing the giant Piedra de la Iglesia and the other giant ocean cliffs from above, so that also added to the amazingness of that moment.  It was the most beautiful place I've ever been in my life.  Pictures to follow.

The saddest goodbye's for sure were that of Megan the Gringa, La'Cote and her family, and, surprisingly, the bishop.  Last night we went to the house of La'Cote and her family to say goodbye, and it was a really special experience.  Usually when elders leave that family likes to send us off with a huge party that's a liiiiiittle too much for missionaries, but last night we just ate once while the whole family went around and told us about how much of a difference we've made in their lives.  I almost cried.  It just goes to show you that baptisms aren't any indication of success.  They said that they'd miss us a lot, and they want us to invite them to our weddings, which I found a little odd but hey it works.

So the bishop.  I told you guys eariler that our relationship with the bishop was really rocky, and I really shouldn't of told you that.  I really regret it, that was really stupid.  I should never complain about members in my group emails, that week was just particularly frustrating.  Since then, our relationship has been getting better and better.  I've been noticing little things all the time that have been indicating to me that he trusts us more, but I've never really thought that he actually really liked us until last night.  We passed by his house to say goodbye and take some pictures, and he and his wife took at least 2 dozen pictures of Elder Hadlock and I.  At the end, he told us that it was a huge privilege knowing us, and that he would miss us a lot.  He thanked us a lot for everything we'd done for him, his family, and the ward.  His openness and sincerity really threw me off, and I nearly started crying.  I told him that I'd be back, that one day I'd come back with my wife.  He told me that that's what he wants to hear, and that when I come back I'll have a place to stay in his house.  He said he really looks forward to when we'll be able to see each other again.  At the very end before we left he told us that he knew why we had to go, but that he really didn't want us to.  It was very touching, and I'm really greatful for my friendship with him.

Well, it was a long crazy ride here in Conti.  I will miss these people and this place like crazy.  I love everybody in this ward and all our friends here more than I can possibly express, and that's what's so great about serving a mission.  I really love them, and it hurts leaving them, but I know that I'm going to love everybody in my next little branch just as much, and that's the great thing.  Conti was a little bit of a baptism of fire for me, but I have always loved the little city, and I know that one day I'll be back.  I will never forget my experiences here and how this place and these people have forever changed my life.  I like to think that the 3 of us have made a difference here in Conti, as well.

I love you all, have a great week!  The church is true!

Elder Fox

Thursday, December 10, 2015

What the fweak just happened?

I hope you all understand the Kid History reference.

This is the subject of the email because this week was just... really... weird.  It was amazing, and awesome, and weird, and hard, all at the same time!!  So it does beg the question:  ¿Qué pasó?

But overall, it was actually one of the best weeks of my mission thus far, so I'm not gunna complain!

Monday we found someone and put a fecha!  It was a great triumph after over a month of our area being completely dry.  I had passed by him a very long time ago accidentely when I was looking for a past investigator and went to the wrong house.  He said that he wanted to know about our church and to come back, so we passed by Monday and we taught him the first lesson and put a fecha!  His name is Eduardo, and he's 86 years old.  For the U.S. that's normal, but for Chile that's absolutely incredible.  He has an awesome little house on the edge of a seaside cliff.  He's been Catholic all of his life, so that's his doubt, but he seemed to like the lesson and he said that he'd read the Book of Mormon and go to church!

Tuesday I went to Talca to go on divisions with the Elders in our district there again.  This time I was with Elder Lloyd, who went to Lone Peak but graduated the year ahead of me.  We had a good day, but not much happened.  Meanwhile in Conti Elder Hadlock and Elder Villavicencio found a family!  A flippin family!!  And he put two fechas right there, but there are some more kids in the family and the mom is a less active member.  It's really hard to find good families to teach here, so when I got the call I was really happy.  After over 3 months of not much at all we suddenly got a lot in a matter of days, I was stunned!  Also, Megan the gringa had read Alma 32 and absolutely loved it.  She loves the Book of Mormon apparently, but she doesn't believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet yet.  I'm not really sure how that works, but she's progressing really well!  She went to church again as well.

Fun statistic time:  In this mission about 20% or one fifth of the people who accept a baptismal fecha end up actually getting baptized.  Just thought you might like to know.

I stayed overnight in Talca because Wednesday was the Christmas activity for our half of the mission!  We combined 4 zones so I got to see Elder Waters and the other Hermana Porter again!  The activity was a lot of fun, we had a devotional, played sports, ate a huge lunch and then watched a slideshow of all the missionaries' best photos from the year.  That night Elder Hadlock and I stayed in Talca and worked with Elder Villavicencio and Elder Lloyd for the night.  We went to Jessica's house again and watched Meet the Mormons.  It was awesome, we talked to them and Jessica said that she prayed about the Book of Mormon and about Joseph Smith and said that she got a very peaceful feeling and that she knew that it was true.  I was stunned, she was golden!  I was feeling super grateful that I was able to participate in her conversion process, because she'd likely be the best investigator that I'd meet on my mission.  I was very impressed with her and her dedication and her sensitivity to the Spirit.  That night Elder Hadlock and I stayed the night in Talca and us and all the Elders in the apartment put apartments in the main room and had a giant sleepover.  It was awesome.  We were super happy for the other Elders because they had a baptism coming up, and the had Jessica and her son that were fantastic investigators, and one more really promising investigator with a fecha.

That next day we went to zone training and went back to Conti, and that's where weird things started happening.

We got a call from Elder Villavicencio and he told us that they discovered that Jessica was a member that had been ex-communicated, and she'd been wanting to be baptized again but wanted to keep this information from the elders so had been pretending to be a real investigator.  The news shocked me, I'm not going to lie.  It shocked me a lot.  But, I realized that if she goes through the long process ahead of her and ends up being re-baptized, that'd still be incredible, and I would have still helped in that process.  Also, her son hadn't ever heard of the church before, and the elders are now working on getting him baptized.  The coolest thing about that though, is that he's saying that he wants to serve a mission.  And that is flipping fantastic.  So, even though the news was shocking, I'm still very grateful that I have been able to be a part of their big life changes.

Elder Villavicencio called us the next day and told us that their other fechas fell too for other odd reasons, those poor elders had a really hard week.

Also, Elder Hadlock and I returned to the family that they found on Tuesday and they are very very kind people.  I love them to death.  I forgot their names, BUT I'll tell you them as soon as I remember.  The problem is, we found out that they didn't understand very clearly when Elder Villavicencio put the baptismal date with them on Tuesday.  We brought it up again to confirm it, and they told us that they weren't going to get baptized because they had been baptized in the Catholic church and didn't think it was necessary to do it again.  We explained the restoration and the importance of the preisthood authority again, but they still held firm in their conviction that they didn't need to get baptized again.  So they lost their fechas, but we're not giving up!  If they truly understand the restoration they'll be ready and willing, and they're an amazing family. 

That's about all!  But I have some funny (and weird) stories to share that contribute to the weirdness of the week.  And then my awesome spiritual moment for the week!

So Elder Hadlock and I had a really unfortunate encounter with an army of pre-teen girls.  We were contacting and passed this party that was going on outside with at least 50 pre-teen girls, but four of them were on the curb close to where we were walking.  When we passed them Elder Hadlock just said ''Hey do you want something?'' and handed them all little ''Ha nacido un Salvador'' cards that we got at the Christmas activity to hand out when the storm started.  Suddenly EVERY pre-teen wanted the card.  All of them.  In seconds we were surrounded on all sides by 12-year-olds and we gave them all cards.  But that's not where it ended, they found out that we were from the states and that we spoke English, and then they were all asking us every kind of question you can think of.  All of them.  At the same time.  What's your name?  What does this thing in English mean?  How do you say this thing in English?  Where are you from?  What do you do here?  How long have you been here?  What does this english swear word mean in Spanish?  Why do you have dirt on your butt?  Meanwhile they were all taking pictures and videos and voice recordings and selfies to put on social media after, which I thought probably wasn't the best thing for the public view of the people on missionaries, but we couldn't escape!  That's when Megan the gringa came because she lives really close and her brother told her about the commotion going on outside with her gringo friends.  She came to us and we spoke english to each other which definitely didn't help the situation.  She suggested that we just run, but I didn't want an army of little girls chasing after us in the streets for everybody to see so I thought better of it.  We ended up slipping out while enough of them were just focused on Megan the gringa and snuck away.

Sorry Megan, it had to be done.

We also had a 40-year old woman hit on us reeeeeally hard core, but I don't have a lot of time so I'm not going to go into it.  It kind of freaked me out, to be honest.

Oh, by the way, if it was Mom's wish that I play the piano on my mission, she definitely got her wish.  I played every day in the CCM for opening hymn.  Day 1 in the field in my interview with President he informed me that I'd be playing for the newbie meeting in 10 minutes.  Wasn't a lot of time to prepare.  Then, I accidentaly became the official ward choir accompanist because the ward pianist is the conductor of the choir.  So I essentially have to learn whatever songs they want to sing as quickly as humanly possible because we don't have a lot of time to waste sitting in the church for me to practice.  Also, since I played for the ward choir it got out that I play piano and now people call me and ask me to play for whatever activity or that they're going to have, and usually give me about a days notice so we have to run to the church for a half an hour so I can practice.  A lot of piano.  I'm getting a lot better at learning hymns quickly.

Spiritual moment!  There were lots, but this week Elder Hadlock and I did a study of the atonement in our companionshiop study and both ended up tears.  A lot of tears.  I felt like Hermanas, but it was a really amazing study.  He read a poem about missionary work and the atonement and we both just lost it.  I learned a lot though, and I felt the spirit very strongly, and gained an appreciation for the atonement that I've never had before.  It was an amazing experience.  Also, the other night I was feeling really down on myself and Elder Hadlock had the perfect things that I needed to hear and shared the story of him and how he's felt his whole mission up until that point and that was also an amazing.  Maybe I'll be able to share both stories in more detail when we skype because they were amazing and I can't really do it justice in this email.

So this week was kind of a rollercoaster of all kinds of emotions, but there were so many incredible things that happened this week, it made it an amazing week.  My gratitude for the atonment and my Savior goes beyond words, and I know that He loves us more than we can imagine.  I wish I had more time to share my feelings, but I don't.  Poop.  Hopefully next week will be a little less crazy so I can share what I'm feeling.

So that was my week of what the fweak just happened!  I love you all!  Have a great week!  You're in my prayers!

Elder Fox